vota-ash network governance proposal-4 has passed. The IBC channel between vota-ash network and Osmosis is now back up.

21 Dec 2023, 07:07
vota-ash network governance proposal-4 has passed. The IBC channel between vota-ash network and Osmosis is now back up.

Same news in other sources

Dora Factory
Dora FactoryDORA #562
21 Dec 2023, 07:15
As of now, the vota-ash network supports IBC channels to four other networks. You can find three networks in wallets and directly IBC transfer from/to - @cosmoshub , @NolusProtocol , @osmosiszone . Additionally, we have IBC channel to @CoreumOfficial . To transfer from/to Coreum,…
As of now, the vota-ash network supports IBC channels to four other networks.
As of now, the vota-ash network supports IBC channels to four other networks. You can find three networks in wallets and directly IBC transfer from/to - @cosmoshub , @NolusProtocol , @osmosiszone . Additionally, we have IBC channel to @CoreumOfficial . To transfer from/to Coreum,…